Flat Belly Flush is a unique online program designed to help men and women over the age of 40 shed stubborn belly fat. It came about after Harvard Medical discovered how an unusual digestive glitch can make it impossible for men and women over the age of 40 to burn belly fat. This ‘digestive glitch’ forces your body to store even “healthy foods” as fat around your heart, belly and lungs. However, instead of focusing on “the impossible”, this unique program took the findings and discovered a drink that can flush away stubborn belly fat in just 7 seconds. Sounds too good to be true, right? Don’t knock it until you try it.
About the Flat Belly Flush Program
Despite what it may seem at first, Flat Belly Flush is not just another juicing or smoothie fad diet. Instead, this unique online program is based on research discovered by Harvard Medical (a digestive glitch that makes it impossible to burn belly fat over the age of 40) and uses the newfound knowledge to essentially do the opposite.
Yes, the program is about a beverage that flushes your system but it’s much more than that. It’s a complete regime that will help you detox and rid your body of this digestive glitch that has been forbidding your fat loss. Not only that but the program also provides you with vital diet and nutritional information that you can use moving forward to ensure that you avoid that digestive glitch in the future.
So, Flat Belly Flush is much more like a detox program than it is a drink recipe. It’s a comprehensive system designed to flush out your system so you can start shedding fat over the course of 15-days – and beyond.
The program is broken down into four different eBooks, all of which are geared towards a specific category of topics, such as:
- Main Program
- Quick Start Guide
- 3 Worst Belly Bulging Veggies
- Nighttime Carbs that Burn Fat
You receive access to all of these eBooks as soon as you purchase the program which means that you can also get started right away! You just download the content onto the tech device of your choice, whether it’s your tablet, smartphone, laptop or desktop, and start reading and implementing the new information into your lifestyle.
Oh, but it doesn’t end there. You also receive some bonuses at absolutely no extra charge to you. They are:
- 5 Secrets to a Flatter Belly eBook
- Morning Fat-Burning Routine Video
- Workout Videos
- 60-Second Belly Burst Workout Videos
- 2-Minute Cardio Afterburn Videos
So, to say it’s a detox beverage is an understatement. Flat Belly Flush provides you with what you need to kick start your fat loss by flushing your body, along with the diet information and exercise regime needed to keep it burning.
Now, if you aren’t sure if an online program is for you, no worries! This program comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. This is more than enough time needed to see the possibilities that come with the program, as many of the regimes provide results in very little time. Some even provide results in as little as 7 seconds or 7 days. Though, the regime is for a complete 15-days which is when you should expect to see the best results.
About the Creator of Flat Belly Flush
Flat Belly Flush was created by Derek Wahler and is based on the new findings discovered by Harvard Medical. Derek is a certified fitness trainer and a certified turbulence trainer and has created many successful weight loss programs in the past. His approach is often different from others within the industry because he doesn’t require you to spend hours in the gym or anything more than a couple of minutes. This allows his programs to be a practical option for even the busiest of people.
Summary of the Flat Belly Flush Program
Let’s take a look at what Flat Belly Flush covers. This program is designed to be completed over the course of 15-days. The first stage lasts 5 days and is designed to thin out your digestive juices to help your body to start burning the food you eat for energy, instead of storing it as fat. The second stage lasts 10 days and is designed to boost your body’s fat-burning capability simply by implementing some tricks into your diet and workout regime.
Below you’ll find a list of the topics covered in the main portion of the program.
Main Program
- Stage 1 – Digestive Detox
- Red Water Recipe Explained
- Why Red Water is so Important
- Stage 2 – Flat Belly Burn
- Why You Must Stop Eating Grains
- Metabolism Window Trick to Burn 20% More Fat Daily
- 15 Delicious Fat-Flushing Recipes
- Remove This and Watch Your Belly Shrink
- 60-Second Trick to Never Store Food as Fat
- Nighttime Fat-Burning Rituals
- My Daily Fat-Burning Routine
- Putting It All Together
- List of Fat-Burning Foods to Have at Home
Quick Start Guide
- Fast Track to the 15-Day Program
- Grocery List Preparation
- Kitchen Prep
- Mindset and Commitment
3 Worst Belly Bulging Veggies
- What to Avoid
- Why
Eat These Carbs At Night to Burn More Belly Fat
- What to Avoid
- Why
- Morning Fat-Burning Routine
- 6 Flat Belly Workouts
- Warm-Up
- Energized Burn
- Lower Body Burn
- Max Cardio Burn
- Slim Belly Burn
- Total Body Burn
- 5 Flat Belly Burst Workouts
- 8 Cardio After-Burn Fat-Burning Workouts
The Verdict
Flat Belly Flush may start with a detox beverage but it is so much more than a detox program. Instead, it’s a comprehensive guide that uses the “red water” beverage to flush and prepare your digestive system so it can start burning fat. Then, you use the diet information and workout videos to boost your body’s fat burning capabilities. And sure, the program is designed for 15-days but there’s no reason why you couldn’t continue with your newfound information and workout videos after those initial 15 days.
The 60 Day Money Back Guarantee is also an excellent feature and one that allows you to fully try the program before fully committing to whether or not it’s something you’d like to continue with. Heck, you could complete the 15-day regime four times before the Money Back Guarantee is over.
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