The All Natural Kidney Health & Kidney Function Restoration Program is the relief every kidney disease sufferer has been looking for. Despite what the doctors want you to think, going on dialysis and heavy prescription medications aren’t your only solutions, nor are they inevitable. There are various remedies that are 100% natural and that have been proven to improve kidney function and even reverse kidney disease as a whole. Since the approach is completely natural, there are no side effects that follow; just natural healing and a better quality of life. And if that’s what you’re looking for, you’ve come to the right place.
About The All Natural Kidney Health & Kidney Function Restoration Program
The All Natural Kidney Health & Kidney Function Restoration Program is an online program that teaches you exactly what you need to do to improve your kidney function and reverse your kidney disease. It’s an incredibly comprehensive guide that covers everything from lifestyle habits to diet, natural supplements, conventional medicine and much more. Since there’s so much valuable information provided, The program is broken into seven different guides:
- The Main Restoration Program
- The Diet Program
- The Definitive Guide to Potassium Content of Foods
- The Definitive Guide to Potassium Content of Foods Pt. 2
- The Kidney Diet Grocery Shopping List
- The kidney Diet Tracking Sheets
- Vegetarian Diet for Diabetic Kidney Disease
Having everything separated allows you to easily go through the program and refer back to the information and remedies as needed. The entire system is online, so there’s no need to wait or pay for shipping. As soon as you purchase it, you receive online access where you can download the guides onto your tablet, smartphone, laptop or desktop. You can also bookmark the guides but downloading them is highly recommended, as you can do the program whenever and wherever you are.
There are also some parts you might want to print out, such as 2000 high potassium content foods, grocery shopping lists and tracking sheets but I’ll get into that in just a moment. For now, let’s talk about the creator of the program because this is a huge component to the whole program.
About the Creator of The All Natural Kidney Health & Kidney Function Restoration Program
When it comes to your kidney health, you can’t take advice from just anyone. You need someone that knows what they’re talking about; who has the experience and knowledge, both personal and professional. Well, the creator of the program, Robert Galarowicz has both.
He was diagnosed with stage 5 kidney disease which lead him on his journey to find natural remedies, all of which are provided in the program. He is also a naturopath, nutritionist and hypnosis counselor. So, if there’s anyone you should be seeking advice from in terms of natural remedies, he’s your guy.
Brief Overview of The All Natural Kidney Health & Kidney Function Restoration Program
To give you a better understanding of what you’ll receive from the program, I’ve broken down the different guides to reveal some of the topics covered. I can’t list them all because we’d be here all day but this will give you an idea of just how elaborate and valuable the entire program is.
- The Main Restoration Program
This guide pretty much covers every topic imaginable. If it’s related to kidney disease or kidney health, you’ll find it in the main restoration program. For example, some of the topics include:
- Kidneys and their function
- Kidney disease stages and symptoms
- Different tests you can do to evaluate your kidney disease
- Causes of kidney disease
- Different symptoms of kidney disease and how to treat them
- Core supplements for kidney health
- Prescription medications to avoid
- How to manage anemia, fatigue and depression
- Bone mineral disorders, calcium and phosphorus concerns
- Dialysis and kidney transplantation
… The list goes on. So, not only do you learn about your kidney disease but you learn what to do about it and why the natural remedies work.
- The Diet Program
In this section, you receive 14-days mean plan that will help improve your kidney function. The meal plan includes:
- Recipes for every meal, including snacks
- Tips on how to maintain a healthy diet when dining out
- The Definitive Guide to Potassium Content of Foods Pt. 1
- The Definitive Guide to Potassium Content of Foods Pt. 2
These two guides give you a list of foods that will help improve your kidney function and reverse kidney disease. Each guide contains 1000 different items, so in total, you receive 2000 food recommendations, as well as their nutritional content.
- The Kidney Diet Grocery Shopping List
This guide has complete grocery shopping lists for the meal plan provided in The Diet Program. So, all you have to do is print it out (or pull it up on your smartphone or tablet), go to the grocery store, buy the items and follow the recipe. This makes maintaining a healthy diet specific for your kidney health easy. You never have to worry about what you eat and more importantly, you have a smaller chance of “cheating”.
- The Kidney Diet Tracking Sheets
This portion includes three different tracking sheets that allow you to record what you eat, when, how it made you feel and what to do moving forward. This helps you not only track your progress but also, track what is working for you.
- Vegetarian Diet for Diabetic Kidney Disease
The last guide is the program, vegetarian-style. Instead of the meat products, you receive vegetarian substitutions. It also teaches you how to improve your kidney health while maintaining a vegetarian lifestyle.
So, no matter your situation, lifestyle, morals or income, if you want to improve your kidney function and reverse your kidney disease, you can. You just have to choose The All Natural Kidney Health & Kidney Function Restoration Program and before you know it, you will see and feel the results. So, start today and improve your health and quality of life!
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